Monday, January 5, 2009

Katie Brown Celebrates

I got the opportunity to review the entertainment book "Katie Brown Celebrates" and was pleasantly surprised with the ideas and menus in this book. This book has a chapter for every month of the year with a party idea to go along with the month. I thought that idea was very clever and have yet to see that in any other entertainment book that I have looked through. I find myself going through the book asking myself if it would be possible to throw a party that month, the ideas for decorating are so cute and can be used for everyday too. One of my favorites is the Remnant Tablecloth, which Katie takes ribbons and makes a tablecloth out of them, so elegant looking and easy to do! If you are looking for a book that will give you several ideas along with wonderful food to make for a party I would highly recommend "Katie Brown Celebrates". Now if you will excuse me I am going to go and make that tablecloth ;)


Adrienne said...

That sounds like a great book. I will have to check it out and add it to my wish list. Thanks for sharing!